Applying the Testimony

By: Bruce Yates, Lead Pastor at Bloomington Eastview

One of the greatest and most tested ideas is that of the “value” of hearing truth.

During the Advent Season, hailing from where we do, one of the easiest things to accept are those things that we have heard before.

The struggle that we face though, is not one of recognition of truth we are comfortable with, or even the embracing of new truth necessarily, but instead, it is actually acting upon the Truths we already know.

To actually act upon what we know to be True, and to make our “Truth” something worthy of notice that makes a difference in our world, some steps must be taken the first is:

1.) God will make you uncomfortable with the level to which His loving Truth will reach.

God’s limits in loving and ours will not mesh, and THIS is one of the greatest gifts we will ever receive! One of the greatest difficulties which the Enemy of our soul loves to magnify is our problems with sins, attitudes, and even “people groups” which challenge us.

2.) Change here will take a dedication to the checks of the Holy Spirit which can be brought to strength by an ongoing Spirit of Prayer.

Those who are possessed by prayer will find a time and a place for the kindling purpose God cultivates in His children when revealing His Truth to us in prayer (v.5)! The ultimate result of this revealed Truth, will be a greater presence of Divine Love expressed through us (our actions toward others) and a recognition of Holy Desires being birthed in us (an inclusive spirit of love & grace).

3.) This will be shown by a building desire on our part to exchange our own weaknesses for God’s uplifting strength shown by His manifested will being accomplished through our CHOICES!

God will not leave us alone at our level of Truth, Dedication, and Service. No HE will continually bless us with Spiritual Eyes (a Heavenly Vision which matches His) (v.5). This will be coupled with “marching orders” to get involved, to roll up our sleeves, to “get our hands dirty, to reach, identify, share, care, love, and show Truth, to those who we would have (and maybe still are) uncomfortable with reaching, touching, being vulnerable to, and YES…LOVING (v.7-12) !! You may ask yourself today, but HOW, this new ability sounds good and sounds right, but where will my new STRENGTH to share Truth come from?

4.) The Lord will send testimonials and others who fail to recognize the POWER OF THE PREPARATION God has equipped them with to share with you (v.13-14).

As others share the message and Truth God has given them, remember that God’s GIFTS aren’t always wrapped in paper you will readily recognize! God will then reveal His new and deeper Truth to us as we EMBRACE how He rests in, on, and through us & others as we faithfully walk in the Truth & obey Him (v.15-16).

5.) Through this action of “Acting upon Truth” that in our case this Advent Season, is “Already Known,” we can & will be accomplishing His greater Purpose.

Then in the process, TRANSFORMING ourselves as well! Let’s see the Hand of God (as Peter did), hold to the grace God extends, and praise Him as Truth is more widely revealed through our obedience!

May His Truth be the greatest Gift we share this Advent Season.