
By: Sheila Thompson, Lead Pastor at Rockville

Throughout the Advent, season we will hear and say “peace on Earth” frequently.

Most people, when they define “peace”, would say that it is the absence of war or chaos.

But as I have grown and sought the Lord more over the years, I’ve come to see it differently.

The peace that God supplies is not absence of chaos. Instead, God’s peace is available IN the chaos.

The truth is, we will never have peace by the world’s definition until heaven. But, paradoxically, we can experience heavenly peace now, on earth.

When the trials of life get us down–illness, finances, broken relationships, unknown futures, disobedient children, loss–Jesus still offers us peace.

It’s a peace that surpasses all understanding. The calm and quiet peace. The peace without worry or anxiety.

It’s a peace that simply recognizes and knows that the God of the universe has put all things in their place and we no longer need to fret.

I continue to experience this kind of peace. But, so often, it comes only after seeking God relentlessly, and passionately. It comes after seeking His will for my life with my whole heart.

When I see the chaos in the world and the chaos in my own life–a wayward son, and illnesses–I feel no fear or anxiety. And I know why: because of His peace.

You see, the peace that came with the birth of our Messiah is a peace like none other.

My prayer for this Advent season is that each member of my congregation, my family, my inner circle, and each of you will know His peace, by knowing Him!

Come soon Jesus, Prince of Peace.