How Can This Be?

By: Cathy West, Lead Pastor at Evansville Faith

And the angel answered and said to her, ‘The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; and for that reason the holy offspring shall be called, the Son of God. For nothing will be impossible with God’” (Luke 1:35, 37).

When we read about the ministry of Jesus, we realize the truth of this gospel message. From the very beginning, through the birth of His Son Jesus, God showed us that truly nothing is impossible with Him.

Jesus surpassed all boundaries. There wasn’t anyone, no matter their race, gender, age, nationality, or lifestyle they were in, that He did not show the possibilities of salvation.

The coming of Jesus into our life is not dependent on who we are, what we have, what we do, or the choices we have made.

He meets us right where we are and longs to overshadow us with His presence, life, and blessings.

As we read in Luke 1, when we allow the Holy Spirit to come upon us and the power of the Most High to overshadow us, Jesus, the Son of God, will truly become the “holy offspring,” well-spring of our entire life, and we will realize, experience the Word:

Nothing is impossible with God.