
By: Jared K. Henry, Lead Pastor at Mackey

I don’t like to wait for things. I don’t like to be stopped in traffic. I don’t like to wait in line. I don’t like to be delayed in any way. I am usually thinking about my next goal, project, or objective to be completed. I do not think that I am alone. Someone once said that we live in a “microwave world.” The implication is that we want things to happen quickly and without waiting.

The problem is that in our spiritual life, things do not always work that way. The promises of God are not always fulfilled on our hustle and bustle schedule. Maturity is a process that takes a lifetime.

It reminds me that some of the best things are worth waiting for. Quick and easy often becomes cheap and disposable. Rushing people through a process of religious actions (like baptism, membership, and ministry) can be encouraging and exciting, but it is often found out later that we did not give time for spiritual roots to grow in individuals.

Habakkuk chapter 2 reminds the people to (1) write down the vision. Do not forget it. Then run toward it or (2) act in accordance with its fulfillment. Then (3) Wait for it! God’s plan always unfolds at just the right time, which does not normally take into account our timetable.

The people of Israel had been waiting for their Messiah for some time. Some had even given up hope that he would actually come. Some had been distracted by other things and forgotten the promise. But Jesus, the Savior of the world, was coming at the divinely appointed time. Not late and not early; right on time.

I have people who often share with me their struggles about being entirely sanctified. “When can I receive this blessing?” “When will God work in my life?” “I just don’t seem to have received this yet?”

Maybe we should take the advice of Habakkuk. (1) Go to the Bible and begin writing down some of the Scriptural promises of this great gift. (Matthew 3:11; Acts 1:4-5, 8; 1 Thessalonians 4:3-5; 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24; etc) (2) Act on the promises.

Do the things that the Bible and Christians throughout history have recognized as means of God’s grace in our lives. Spend time in prayer, make a priority to be a church, small group, and other opportunities for worship and discipleship. Be a witness to those around you. Participate in the Lord’s Supper when it is offered at your church. (3) Actively wait for God to fulfill his Word! He will surely do it!

It is difficult for things to not happen on our timetable, but do not forget that God’s will for your life will be fulfilled. Do not give up. Do not forget. Do not be distracted. He is faithful. He will surely do it!